All classes are at ProBots Ottawa, Suite 101 - 2141 Thurston Ave., Ottawa.
The new VEX GO platform is designed for students in Grades 2 to 4. It is similar to the VEX IQ platform but the pins are easier to insert and remove, the pieces are colour coded for easy reference and it uses VEX Code to program the robot. VEX Code is used across all VEX platforms.
Tuesday, August 5th to Friday, August 8th, 2025 - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Snack and Lunch Breaks are taken throughout the day. We ask that you provide a few snacks, lunch and something to drink. We have a small fridge to keep things cold.
Build and Code a VEX GO Robot using VEX Code, a block-based coding drag and drop coding software.
Think, Create, Build, Amaze
To REGISTER, click on the following link.